Once upon a time i need to create project using week number of the year. means i need to have a number which shows me week number. so below is how to get that result.
note :
i wrote something like (xxxxx - 1) that is because my project has a different week start date, so if i did not (-1) i'll have incorrect number. please remember the correct number based on world datetime is without (-1), that is my case my personal case....
code : Val(CAL.GetWeekOfYear(TanggalBerapa, CWR, DOW)) - 1
Imports System.Globalization
Dim CI As New CultureInfo("en-IN")
Dim CAL As Calendar = CI.Calendar
Dim CWR As CalendarWeekRule = CI.DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule
Dim DOW As DayOfWeek = CI.DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek
Dim Tgl As String = DtpDATE.Value.Day
Dim Bln As String = DtpDATE.Value.Month
Dim Thn As String = DtpDATE.Value.Year
Dim TanggalBerapa As String = Thn & "-" & Bln & "-" & Tgl
CAL.GetWeekOfYear(DateTime.Now, CWR, DOW)
MsgBox("Tanggal " & Tgl & "-" & Bln & "-" & Thn & _
" Adalah Minggu Ke-" & _
Val(CAL.GetWeekOfYear(TanggalBerapa, CWR, DOW)) - 1 _
& " Di Tahun " & Year(Now) & "")
End Sub
note :
i wrote something like (xxxxx - 1) that is because my project has a different week start date, so if i did not (-1) i'll have incorrect number. please remember the correct number based on world datetime is without (-1), that is my case my personal case....
code : Val(CAL.GetWeekOfYear(TanggalBerapa, CWR, DOW)) - 1
Imports System.Globalization
Dim CI As New CultureInfo("en-IN")
Dim CAL As Calendar = CI.Calendar
Dim CWR As CalendarWeekRule = CI.DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule
Dim DOW As DayOfWeek = CI.DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek
Dim Tgl As String = DtpDATE.Value.Day
Dim Bln As String = DtpDATE.Value.Month
Dim Thn As String = DtpDATE.Value.Year
Dim TanggalBerapa As String = Thn & "-" & Bln & "-" & Tgl
CAL.GetWeekOfYear(DateTime.Now, CWR, DOW)
MsgBox("Tanggal " & Tgl & "-" & Bln & "-" & Thn & _
" Adalah Minggu Ke-" & _
Val(CAL.GetWeekOfYear(TanggalBerapa, CWR, DOW)) - 1 _
& " Di Tahun " & Year(Now) & "")
End Sub
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