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Showing posts from 2016

How Count Specific Symbol In VB.Net

this is how to count a symbol in combobox. this case is symbol "-". so this is how to take it....             Dim Simbol As String = CmbDATA.Text             Dim Hitung As Integer = Simbol.Split("-").Length - 1             MsgBox("Jumlah Simbol '-' = " & Hitung & "", MsgBoxStyle.Information)

Cannot Publish Because A Project Failed To Build

today i facing this trouble in using VS2008, open an old application but suddenly application cannot be publish.... solution is just easy as below information Just remove somthing .pfx then re publish your application again

VS2010 Unable To Save To bin\debug Because Is Still Using By Another Process

Do you ever face this trouble when developing a project with VS2010 or other VS version ?? see at the error list !! this things really annoyed i am sure believe it me.. so how to solve ?? find the solution as below 1. Find My Project on your Solution Explorer, it must be exactly below your VS project name. 2. Right click My Project - Open 3. Find Tab Security - Uncheck Enable ClickOnce security settings done !!! you will have trouble again with your VS about unable to delete or something to bin\debug when developing VS
This is the way how to catch digit AFTER a specific symbol, for this case the symbol means (desc "-"). situation would be as follows : "XXXXX-NAME" we would need to catch all "NAME" AFTER desc "-", so value would be "NAME". VB Script would be as below to support our case : Click below picture for more clear preference

Looks Like Merge Cell Datagridview Using VB.Net

Somehow i need to do merge cell of my datagridview, and below script is how to do that Public Class MERGE_CELL_DGV Private Sub MERGE_CELL_DGV_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim Meja As New DataTable Dim CekBox As New DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn With Meja .Columns.Add("DEPT") .Columns.Add("SEKSI") .Columns.Add("NAMA") .Rows.Add("TCI", "C&N", "ALFIAN") .Rows.Add("TCI", "C&N", "YAKUB") .Rows.Add("TCI", "AF", "WIRAD") .Rows.Add("FIN", "CCA", "WULAN") .Rows.Add("FIN", "CCA", "DIAN") .Rows.Add("TCI", "AF", "TAUFIQ") .Rows.Add("TCI", "AF", "IRLON...

Catch Digit Before Specific Symbol (Desc "-") Using VB.Net 2010

This is the way how to catch digit before a specific symbol, for this case the symbol means (desc "-"). situation would be as follows : "XXXXX-NAME" we would need to catch all "X" before desc "-", so value would be "XXXXX". even "X" is only 4 digits or more less we will get that all digit. VB Script would be as below to support our case : Click below picture for more clear preference