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Showing posts from July, 2013

How To Separate Date & Time For DateTime Format In SQL2005 With VB.Net

I'm sure few people just like i did a few hours ago. i have a problem when having a code and debugging an application in VB.Net.  case : i want to show data in datagridview from a database with field using DateTime type. but sure it was confused me, how to show data for only the time not include the date (sample, 13:30:00). as datetime format is should always shows (29/07/2013 13:30:00). then after fighting  couple hours finally i get this code. so i hope it can solve if one of you having same trouble as i did... DTA = New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT IdMaintenance, IdMesin, IdSistemUser, IdSimpulMasalah, " & _                                      "IdSeksi, Convert(Varchar,JamMulai,101) as Mulai, " & _              ...

OOP Implementation Using Classes (Entity, Control, Boundary)

i do realized that many people also reading this blog. so start from this posting i will always using English to each posting. by downloading below tutorial file you will having new knowledge about using OOP implementation in VB.Net but sorry this tutorial is still in bahasa indonesia. for anyone who need any translation about it please contact me privately. Download

Cara Memberi Akses User Dengan OOP VB.Net dan SQL2005

Dalam suatu perancangan sebuah aplikasi berbasis dekstop (VB.Net) pemberian akses pada user yang berinteraksi dengan sistem menjadi hal yang sensitif dan krusial. dan tentunya masih belum banyak cara pengoperasian yang dishare di dunia internet.  so jangan khawatir, disini saya share untuk anda semua. diatas adalah salah satu akses form yang saya buat di VB.Net 2008 dengan database SQL2005 berbasis OOP. asumsi saya, anda sudah membuat database dengan tabel data akses user. karena saya tidak mentutorialkan disini.... caranya adalah sebagai berikut :: Kegiatan di SQL2005 ## Buatlah STORED PROCEDURE untuk menyimpan data  # create procedure SP_SIMPAN_AKSESSISTEM @IdGrupUser char(6), @IdForm char(6), @AksesForm char(1) As Insert AksesSistemTabel Values (@IdGrupUser, @IdForm, @AksesForm) Buatlah STORED PROCEDURE untuk mengedit data # create procedure SP_EDIT_AKSESSISTEM @IdGrupUser char(6), @IdForm char(6), @AksesForm char(1) as update AksesSistemT...